A note from Dr. Gradwell on his Africa trip: As I sit and ponder about my mission trip to Africa, all I can think of is gratitude. Gratitude to god for getting me there and back safe and sound. Gratitiude to spend 10 days with some of the beautiful people in the world even though they are considered to be the 5th poverty country in the world. Gratitide to spend private time and professional time with my Malawian son, Wellington. He is one of 8 dentists in their country. As many of you know, 6 years ago I committed to him and his family to send him to dental school in Uganda and I would support him and his family while he went to school. Gratitide that he kept his promise to me to do his best and he did. Out of 10 students that started in his program he was one of two who graduated. I have gratitude to all of my friends who have supported me financially and spiritually through this journey.
We saw just under 440 dental patients in the 3 village clinics and the medical team saw over 6.000 patients. It was an incredible journey.
Now as I embark on my next endeavor with Villages In Partnership (VIP), I will continue to support the dental mission in the village of Khanda. This clinic will be the support team to 23,000 Malawians, all of whom are in level 1 or level 2 poverty.
I ask for you to open your heart with prayer and finances to make sure the least of those know we care.
You can always visit https://givebutter.com/…/walking-on…/scottgradwell1 to contribute to the care of these wonderful people. God bless my friends.