Dr. Scott A. Gradwell, D.M.D., F.A.G.D, P.C.
Dr. Scott A. Gradwell, D.M.D., F.A.G.D, P.C.
Call Now 610-770-1050
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Periodontist in Allentown, PA | Dr. Scott A. Gradwell, D.M.D., F.A.G.D, P.C.
Business Hours
Monday: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Business Address
1251 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Suite 305
Allentown, PA 18103

Business Hours:
Monday: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

1251 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Suite 305
Allentown, PA 18103

Office Happenings

The Blog

Celebrating Amy’s 5-year work anniversary with a nice dinner.  We appreciate Amy’s dedication to the office.

My 92-year-old patient who’s been with me for 30 years!!  She’s an Albright College graduate like me!!!!

It was a nice day to be a periodontist!!!

Holiday Party

Dr. Gradwell celebrating the holidays with the staff at Dr. Freedman’s office where he practices monthly for years! 🎅🎄

Wellington comes to America!

This is Wellington Chikuni, my Malawian son!  We met 10 years ago on my very first medical mission trip to Malawi, Africa and we became instant friends.  I helped put him through dental school in Uganda, Africa and today he is a dental surgeon in Malawi.  I secured a US Visa for him and he is now in America visiting, his very first time out of Africa!  Wellington has been in my office observing and has also had the opportunity to observe a general dentist and orthodontic office.  He got a chance to see the ocean and feel the sand for the first time.  He is getting the opportunity to sightsee and get a feel for America, he is really enjoying the food as well!

There are also 5 other Malawians who got a chance to visit America through Villages In Partnership, they received dental check-ups and had their teeth cleaned at the office this week.

This past Saturday, Wellington and I attended the 15th Anniversary Gala of Villages in Partnership, the non-profit organization where I have my dental clinic in Malawi.  Because Wellington is a dentist in Malawi we work alongside each other providing dental care and dental surgery to over 300 villagers each time we have our clinic.  It’s been a blessing to spend this time together.


It was with great excitement that Cydney Chikalema made it to the US from Malawi Africa.  When VIP found Cydney at age 10, both his parents and his sister had already passed away.  Villages In Partnership took him under their wing and he was able to attend secondary school and college in the capital of Malawai, Lilongwe.  Here we are celebrating a dinner at my home and getting ready to send him to graduate school at Wheaton College in Illinois.  This is truly the work of the lord.  Help me in your prayers for Cydney to have a wonderful experience in America and in school.

Dr. Gradwell is home from Africa

A note from Dr. Gradwell on his Africa trip: As I sit and ponder about my mission trip to Africa, all I can think of is gratitude. Gratitude to god for getting me there and back safe and sound. Gratitiude to spend 10 days with some of the beautiful people in the world even though they are considered to be the 5th poverty country in the world. Gratitide to spend private time and professional time with my Malawian son, Wellington. He is one of 8 dentists in their country. As many of you know, 6 years ago I committed to him and his family to send him to dental school in Uganda and I would support him and his family while he went to school. Gratitide that he kept his promise to me to do his best and he did. Out of 10 students that started in his program he was one of two who graduated. I have gratitude to all of my friends who have supported me financially and spiritually through this journey.
We saw just under 440 dental patients in the 3 village clinics and the medical team saw over 6.000 patients. It was an incredible journey.
Now as I embark on my next endeavor with Villages In Partnership (VIP), I will continue to support the dental mission in the village of Khanda. This clinic will be the support team to 23,000 Malawians, all of whom are in level 1 or level 2 poverty.
I ask for you to open your heart with prayer and finances to make sure the least of those know we care.
You can always visit https://givebutter.com/…/walking-on…/scottgradwell1 to contribute to the care of these wonderful people. God bless my friends.

Updates from Malawi, Africa

Updates from Africa: This morning Dr. Gradwell is actually working in a remote clinic in a village called Khanda where there is no running water. In the first photo you can see the line wrapped around the building for villagers waiting to be seen at this clinic, they walk for miles to receive treatment.
Dr. Gradwell got to reunite with Wellington, a gentlemen he met years ago while in Africa that he helped put through dental school there in Africa. He was able to see him in his cap and gown and how he is now being able to help others there in Africa.
Will keep posting updates as we get them!

Water Walk 2024

Dr. Gradwell left this morning for his 8th year in Malawi, Africa to provide his services at the clinic he has started there. We wish him and his team safe travels.
What better time than now to support his passion! Dr. Gradwell is participating in an exciting challenge and bringing life change to some of the most vulnerable people in the world. Villages in Partnership (VIP), a non-profit working in the remote villages of Malawi, Africa, is hosting its annual Water Walk fundraiser to bring clean water, sanitation facilities, and healthcare to the people of Malawi.
With all everyone’s support in the past years, they now have a full medical and dental clinic and were able to purchase a motorcycle for travel to the clinic.
It’s more important than ever that we come alongside our brothers and sisters in the villages. They are vulnerable from compromised immune systems, the lack of healthcare facilities and resources, and the inability to wash their hands with soap and water. I am asking you to consider making a donation to my team as we walk in solidarity with them. All of the raised funds will continue to provide more amenities for the village. This is the biggest fundraiser for VIP and I have set a goal to raise $5000 for this incredible cause.
Every gift, no matter how big or small, will make a tangible difference. As the villagers combat the lack of water, you can help us to better equip them. Below, I included the link to my fundraising page where you can make a donation.
Check out this inspiring video….. https://vimeo.com/797126083

Achieve Your Best Oral Health with Us

Dr. Scott A. Gradwell, D.M.D., F.A.G.D, P.C., in Allentown, PA, is committed to improving the dental health of his Lehigh Valley clients. With a focus on patient care, our team provides a wide range of services, including periodontics and dental implant surgery. Above all, we aim to create a comfortable environment for optimal oral wellness, even offering state-of-the-art sedation options. Trust us with your dental needs and achieve a healthy, long-lasting smile.

For more information, get in touch with us at 610-770-1050.

Serving Patients From Across The Lehigh Valley In Pennsylvania

Dr. Scott A. Gradwell, D.M.D., F.A.G.D, P.C.

1251 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Suite 305
Allentown, PA 18103

Business Hours

Monday: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


Phone: 610-770-1050
Email: office@drgradwell.com
Fax: 610-770-6592